Triangle Song! New – Only on Silly School Education TV!
Triangle Song | Kindergarten & EYFS | Early Years | KS1 Literacy – This is a song to help you learn all about triangles.
“3 Sides – 3 Straight Lines – 3 Corners”
Triangle Song
Our children’s songs support social skills and help to stimulate their vocabulary, imagination, knowledge and memory, through. These catchy, easy to learn, fun songs are also proven to increase confidence in young learners.
To watch the Triangle Song VISIT https://sillyschooleducation.
‘I’ve seen loads of fab songs on here that I can use and at £1.99 a month it’s a bargain!!”
L- Gleave Teacher
Silly School Education Shape Songs for Early Years
Silly School Education is a family run company based in Cambridge, UK, that specialises in writing songs and musical productions for primary schools! We create fun, educational, songs and musicals for children in primary & elementary schools ages 5-11 years (EYFS, KS1, KS2). We hope you hope you enjoy the songs and animations as much as we enjoy making them!
The triangle song isn’t available on our YouTube channel but if you head over there you can listen to a selection of phonics songs completely free!
We have over 200 educational, animated, songs to enjoy and we’re always adding more.
Silly School Education songs cover a whole range of subjects including maths, English grammar, geography, shapes, the seasons, science, literacy and much, much, more!
Triangle Song!
Silly School Education TV – HERE
Educational Songs & Tutorials for Schools!
We are passionate about what we do and education is always at the heart of our silly creations.
“I love all of these songs they’re amazing. I play them so often throughout the day”
Esha – Teacher
All of our educational content is family friendly, made by teachers for teachers with the aim of supporting social skills and helping to stimulate vocabulary, imagination, knowledge and memory, through the use of repetition, engaging animations and catchy, easy to learn, fun songs.
Songs are also proven to increase confidence in young learners.
Our ever growing collection of educational songs and animations cover a wide range of subjects for EYFS, Key Stage One (KS1) and Key Stage Two (KS2), include maths, english, geography, science, phonics, grammar, words of the day, tidy up songs, qwerty typing songs, covid safety songs, and much, more!
We are constantly adding more songs & tutorials to the channel. You can also come and join thousands of others and subscribe to our Silly School Education YouTube Channel HERE for free.
“Your letter sound videos are amazing….my student who thinks letters and sounds are boring says, “again, again!”
S Kennedy – Teacher
Triangle Song
Silly School Education
Fun, educational, unique plays and songs for children in primary schools ages 5-11 years (EYFS, KS1, KS2). All of our primary school plays and songs are co-written and produced together.
You can find out more about us here!
Early Years Education Institutions and Resources We Recommend.
National Literacy Trust
The National Literary Trust is a charity that is devoted to raising literacy levels across the UK. Click here to visit their website where you can find lots of useful information about phonics.
This is how they describe what they do.
“We are dedicated to raising literacy levels across the UK.
We work to improve the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the UK’s most disadvantaged communities, where one in three people have low levels of literacy.
Our research shows that during the initial school closures in 2020, 3 in 5 children and young people said that reading made them feel better. 3 in 10 said that reading helped them when they feel sad because they cannot see their family and friends.
Because low literacy is intergenerational, we focus our work on families, young people and children.”
The British Association for Early Childhood Education.
The British Association for Early Childhood Education is a charitable foundation that supports practitioners through the Early Years framework. Check out their website where you can find lots of useful information about early years education. There blog is full of useful articles and ideas.
Here’s how they describe themselves.
“We are a national charity supporting early years practitioners with training, resources and professional networks, and campaigning for quality education for the youngest children.
Our values
We believe every child deserves the best possible start in life and support to fulfil their potential. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances.
Our activities
We offer support to all early childhood education practitioners, including those in maintained settings, private, voluntary and independent provider and home-based childcare, as well as local authority staff. We offer a variety of support for professional learning. Both members and non-members can access our services.
We campaign to improve early childhood education policy. We represent our members’ concerns to government, maintain dialogue with policy makers and campaign to raise awareness of key issues. We also undertake project work to trial new approaches and spread best practice in the sector.
Our history
Early Education was founded in 1923. Nearly a century later we remain committed to supporting families and the professional development of all those working in early childhood education to ensure effective early childhood education experiences of the highest quality for all children across the United Kingdom.
Today, there is an increasing awareness that the earliest years of a child’s life are the foundation for future life chances and achievement. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right, and provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.”
The Education Endowment Foundation
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is an independent charity dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement.
Whilst not specifically related to just phonics the EEF have some excellent information available in relation to the subject.
Click on the title to find out more about what the EEF does.
Triangle Song! New on Silly School Education TV
Use the triangle song to learn that a triangle has three sides, the straight lines and three points.
Triangle song for schools!