How do I pay?
You can pay us by Credit/Debit Card or PayPal via this website. Simply choose the play you fancy, pop it in the basket and follow the instructions. It’s dead easy.
Why do I need Performing and Copying Licences?
OK Here’s the serious bit…
Licenses issued by Local Authorities, the P.R.S. or similar organisations do NOT cover you to COPY or PERFORM published School Plays, School Dramas, School Shows, School Musicals or any other type of School Production without the express permission of the publisher.
The money from these licences is classed as “Royalties” and is used to pay the composers, authors and lyricists of the works being performed.
Can we get hard copies of the scripts and CD's?
No. Everything is downloadable and if you read the license bit, you’ll see that you can print them off until your heart’s content. Also, the post box is too far away from our house.
We've received our download, can we copy it onto CD?
Yes – please do. Do whatever you need to do to make sure that your school’s performance is great.
There are some guidelines you must adhere to, which we outline in the terms and conditions.
How many times can we perform the play under license?
You can perform the play up to six times within six months of purchase. If you would like to perform it more than six times or past the six months mark, please get in touch to arrange a license extension.
Once we buy the play do we own it?
No. It’s still owned by Silly School Education, but we give you a license to perform it.
We're not very experienced at putting on school plays, can you help?
Our plays come with everything you need!
We have put in an incredible amount of work to ensure you have everything you need to put on a fantastic performance. They all come with production notes, prop lists, staging ideas, character information, director’s notes and much, much more.
If you really get stuck, drop us an email and we’ll be happy to help. We’ve put on all these productions ourselves, so we know them inside and out.
How does it work?
EVERYTHING is sent via the magic of the internet, in one easy to download file.
Your performance licnense will be sent separately via email, within twenty-four hours.
Does it sound too easy?
That’s because it is.
What is included with the Performance & Copying Licence?
All of our plays come with a performance, copying and recording license, which basically allows you to do everything you need to perform the play.
The details are in the terms and conditions, but thebasic idea is that you can (within reason) copy the play as much as you need to, perform the play, record the play and share it.
Please do remember though – ALL children involved in recordings must have parental consent to do so. This is part of the licensing agreement.
For full details please do read the terms and conditions.
Can we alter the lyrics or the scripts?
We don’t mind what you change, as long as you keep in our best jokes.
Full details of what you’re allowed to do are in the terms and conditions.
Will there be other plays available?
We are writing new plays right now! We just can’t stop. New plays will be uploaded all the time, but they take a while to write, so keep checking!
Can we upload recordings of the play to our website?
You can upload up to five minutes of one performance to your website, but you need to ask our permission first.
Make sure you have parental consent to record the children and to upload the material onto your website.
Can we sell DVD recordings of our performance?
Yes you can.
There are certain guidelines you must adhere to though, so please do check our terms and conditions.
Can we charge for tickets to our performance?
In a word – yes.
There are some caveats in the terms and conditions, so please do read them if you’re planning to charge.
As long as you’re not planning on putting on a show in the West End, it’s really not a problem (and if you are, please do get in touch – we like you very much).
Can only primary schools buy & perform your plays?
Any stage school, amateur dramatic society, church group or secondary school can purchase the plays, as long as they follow the licensing guidelines.
What do I get?
- Script
- Character information – this includes character breakdowns, number of lines and ideas for costumes for each character
- Lyrics (with director’s notes) – who sings what and ideas for staging
- Lyrics (without director’s notes)
- Production Notes – scene-by-scene breakdowns, including characters, props, ideas on scenery and staging ideas
- CD Cover
- Poster
- MP3 files of all songs (with vocals)
- MP3 files of all songs (instrumentals)
- Piano scores
- Printer friendly version of script and lyrics included (black and white)
- Downloadable lyric video – children can sing along to a karaoke style video to help with learning the lyrics
- Performance and recording license
What if I need to pay by Purchase Order or Invoice?
What is this? 1990?
If you need to we can sort this out, but you’ll need to contact us via contact page.
Are there any hidden charges?
Nope, EVERYTHING you need is included in the price.
We’re silly, but we’re not sneaky.
Can I leave feedback?
Yes, but only if it’s nice!
Also, we would love some photos to add to our website! (obviously, you will need to make sure you have parental permission first).
Can we upload recordings to social media sites?
Yes. This isn’t a problem, as long as you follow the guidelines in our terms and conditions.
The license allows you to upload to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If it’s a site other than those mentioned above, please contact us for permission.
In the main you need parental consent to do so, you can’t upload more than five minutes worth of material and you can’t upload mp3’s.
Can we have the sheet music?
The sheet music for piano is included in the pack!
Can we upload recordings to social media sites?
Yep. This isn’t a problem as long as you follow the guidelines in our terms and conditions.
The license allows you to upload to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If it’s a site other than those mentioned above please contact us for permission.
The main important points are that you need parental consent to do so, you can’t upload more than five minutes worth of material and you can’t upload mp3’s.
What do I do if I can't find the information I need here?
Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to answer your queries.