Collective Nouns Tutorial Video for Schools | What is a Collective Noun?
Collective Nouns Tutorial for Schools tells you everything you need to know about collective nouns if you’re in primary school or elementary school. It explains what a collective noun is, it gives examples of different collective nouns, shows collective nouns in sentences, has a quick collective nouns quiz and comes with a catchy song all about collective nouns at the end.
All in less than five minutes!
Click on the video below to view our Collective Nouns Tutorial Video.
If you like this nouns tutorial video you may like the other animations on our tutorials playlist. Click here to view our tutorials for primary & elementary Schools.
We also have a range of fun, educational videos, songs and playlists that cover maths, English grammar, science, shapes, the seasons, phonics and much, much, more!
Other lessons on our nouns tutorial video playlist include :
What is an Abstract Noun? | Abstract Nouns Tutorial Video for Schools tells you everything you need to know about abstract nouns in less than five minutes. Perfect for primary school and elementary school students. This animated tutorial explains what an abstract noun is, gives examples of different abstract nouns, shows abstract nouns in sentences, has a quick quiz and finishes with a catchy song to help you remember everything you’ve learned.
Click here to view the Abstract Nouns Tutorial Video.
What is a Noun? | Nouns Tutorial Video for Schools tells you everything you need to know about nouns if you’re in primary or elementary school in less than five minutes. It gives examples of nouns in sentences, has a quiz and comes with a catchy song all about nouns at the end.
Click here to view the Nouns Tutorial Video.
Educational Songs & Tutorials for Schools!
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Ms Dornseiff Creative Teaching
Our animated songs and tutorials are unique, fun, easy-to-learn, and free for primary schools, elementary schools, preschools, kindergartens, nurseries and parents to watch via our Youtube channel.
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Esha – Teacher
All of our educational content is family friendly, made by teachers for teachers with the aim of supporting social skills and helping to stimulate vocabulary, imagination, knowledge and memory, through the use of repetition, engaging animations and catchy, easy to learn, fun songs.
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Mrs Wow – Teacher
Our ever growing collection of educational songs and animations cover a wide range of subjects for EYFS, Key Stage One (KS1) and Key Stage Two (KS2), include maths, english, geography, science, phonics, grammar, words of the day, tidy up songs, qwerty typing songs, covid safety songs, and much, much, more!
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Here’s some more handy information about abstract nouns…
Useful Links to more Silly School Education Tutorials and Songs